Fauna Glass Anna, March 24, 2013April 9, 2013 When it comes to creativity and working for a good social cause, Angel Castellanos is one of the few names that we can take who are doing something for a better Costa Rica. He is the founder of a company named Flora Glass, also known as Fauna Glass that supports NGO’s and other organizations working for the protection and conservation of endangered species in Costa Rica. He creates glass replicas of these species and sells them. Through this company Angel Castellanos wants to create awareness for people, of joining hands to preserve these endangered creatures as without them the balance of nature is disturbed. According to Angel, if these creatures are not preserved then their future generations will not be able to enjoy the beauty of these animals which add beauty to the ecosystem and enrich life of this world. Angel Castellanos has been working in Costa Rica since 20 years and makes different kinds of animals and species with glass. Also, part of the income from the sale of these replicas goes to NGO’s for the protection of these great animals. Contact Address: Monteverde Cloud Forest Phone: (+506) 2645-7598 | (+506) 8387-0783 Website: www.faunaglass.com Galleries