Manuel Zumbado Anna, March 3, 2013April 9, 2013 One of the renowned artists of Costa Rica, Manuel Zumbado, was born in San Jose, Costa Rica in the year 1964. He is not only known for his paintings but is also famous for his video installations projects. He went to a school named Castella Conservatory from 1977-81, where not only all academic requirements of any child are fulfilled but it is also known for its artistic practices. From 1982-85 he studied School of Architecture from The University of Costa Rica, then from 1985-89 School of Visual Arts from the same university and then finally in 1992 Zumbado started his bachelorette program in Fine Arts from The University of Costa Rica. Unlike many other artists, Zumbado has no specific reason for his passion towards painting; he just feels that he should stick to themes related to the social environment. One of his most famous video installation projects is the “meditation space” which relates to the issue of violence in his country. This video is now in the possession of the museum of the Central Bank. Zumbado has worked in more than 50 group shows for the exhibition of his paintings and around 20 solo shows. Zumbado prefers to use acrylic paint in his artwork; this is because he is so influenced by the German Culture as he has obtained three scholarships from the Geothe Institute where German Culture is taught and practiced. He has also seen works of one of the most famous artists of Germany named Nam June Paick. According to Zumbado, most of his artwork is related to the neoexpressionists, which was a pictorial movement that came up in Germany in the late seventies and the early eighties. Contact Website: Email: [email protected] Telephone number: (506) 275 2710-275 5234 Cell number: (506) 8125615 Fax: (506) 275 5958 Artists